At what age should your child learn to ride a bicycle?

Neuromotor learning evolves differently for each child, but depending on their psychomotor abilities, they can generally learn to cycle between the ages of 3 and 8.

However, do not force your child to start cycling. If he/she doesn't feel ready, the child will not enjoy riding.

What age to start riding a balance bike?

At BEMOOV, we are convinced that learning to ride a bike starts with finding balance. As soon as your child can walk, he/she can ride a balance bike!

From 18 months or as soon as a child can walk easily, that child will be able to learn to use a balance bike. At first the child will do it standing up, walking without sitting in the saddle. Little by little, he/she will push using the legs in order to move forward faster and eventually put them on the footrest that equips our models, and find his/her balance.

conseils pour choisir une taille de velo enfant

The most important thing is to have a bike that is the right size

The most important thing is not so much the age of your child, but rather the size and geometry of the bike. As a (very) general guide:

• 12-inch bike: (or 12-inch balance bike) best for children from 18 months to 4 years old or between 80 and 110 cm

• 14-inch bike: best for children from 3 to 5 years old or between 95 and 120 cm

• 16-inch bike: best for children from 4 to 6 years old or between 105 and 120 cm

A quality balance bike, as we call it at BEMOOV, will be easy to ride with a low seat and may be suitable for your children as soon as they can walk.

They will be happy to use it until they can put their feet on the footrests and ride balancing. From this moment, the transition to pedal cycling is natural.

How to choose the first bike for your child?

If you opt for a balance bike without pedals, or if the child is already older, for a bike with pedals, the most important thing is always to choose the model that best suits your child’s body type.

It is therefore important to choose the bike on which he or she will be comfortable:

• Both feet must be able to touch the ground

• The child must be able to grip the brake levers easily

• the shape of the bicycle frame must make it easy to climb onto the saddle

To make learning to ride a bike easier for your child, nothing helps more than finding a good position on a light and easy-to-ride bike!
